Saturday, November 1, 2008

Things to be thinking about.

I am stoked! I am so excited about what God is doing and I know that it is just the beginning. We went out this morning and raked leaves for people just to show them God's love with no strings attached. I am praying that the seeds sown this morning will be effective in leading some people to Christ but also that those who participated would also feel as though they had drawn closer.

People, we are living in a world that is desperately in need of Jesus, and we have been given the responsibility, and privilege of helping them find Him. I am praying that God will give us wisdom on how we can do a better job of that. Here are a few things you could pray about.

  1. Pray about who you should be inviting to church over this next few weeks as we tackle the subject of marriage, dating and sex.
  2. We are getting ready for our Christmas service, so pray about who you could invite for that. That service will be totally geared to reaching lost people, because Christmas is a time that people that don't go to church will go, so don't miss the opportunity!
  3. This week I am hoping to get away on Tuesday and Wednesday to pray and set the direction for o9 so please pray that God will give me wisdom and that I will be able to connect with His heart for the coming year.
  4. Next week I am going to be dealing with the subject of sex, and it is going to be tense so pray that God will give me the courage to say what God wants me to say about the subject.

Thanks for all you do!

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