What a great worship service we had yesterday, a big thank you to our worship team they are awesome! During the worship time we were encouraged to stop for a few moments and give thanks to God, and we did. As I was giving thanks so many things flooded my heart. so I thought it would be cool if on this blog we would take some time to say thanks. I will begin with my thanks and you can comment with your thanks and this could be a great testimony time!
I am so thankful to the Lord because He has blessed me in so many ways! He has given me Salvation through His death and resurrection, He has given me the most amazing and Godly wife and to amazing sons.
He has given me great parents who loved God with their lives and not just their mouths. He has given me two brothers and a sister who along with their families give their lives to make the name of Jesus famous. He has given me really cool nephews and nieces who love and serve God. He has given me amazing in laws who also love Jesus and my wife and kids, and even me most of the time;) I am thankful for Nic who is about to join our family on July 3rd when he marries my mom.
I am thankful that God has allowed me to serve Him in this house for thirty two years, and still love this house today! I am thankful that I get to build His kingdom, and do life with my friends, the people of Jubilee. I love that I get to do life with the people I love! I am thankful that God has placed us in Dunnville and that we get to serve the people of this region. And I will leave some space for you so just click on the comments button and give thanks.
Just wanted to say thanks for Refresh. It was truly refreshing and re-energizing! I am so thankful God has placed us at Jubilee. What a great church family with which we can serve the Lord.