Monday, August 18, 2008

Monday, Monday....

I just have to get this off my chest. I am really believing God to do great things through us as a church, but the truth is I am wondering if we have enough interest in this as a church to see it through. Here is the deal, we start church at 10 am on Sunday mornings and you could shoot a cannon through the place and not hit anyone, but ten minutes later the place is fairly full. This is a problem on so many levels.
  1. I just wonder what it says to God, about the value we place on being in His house?
  2. I wonder what it says to our kids when most of us will turn up early to watch a movie but when it comes to going to church we can show up whenever.
  3. I wonder what it says to unbelievers who come to Jubilee looking for something that will help them and they see that we don't put any value on the experience ourselves.
  4. I wonder what it says to all the people who have prepared and prayed and are trying to create an atmosphere where God can move and people walk in and disturb the whole thing because they couldn't get here on time.

People I am a good natured guy and I am pretty relaxed most of the time but this has got to change. We are talking about saving people from hell here and this one thing does make a huge difference! Please step up to the plate in this area, I am begging you!

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